Thursday, July 25, 2019


The Byzantine world of intrigue
in hopes of undermining confidence
of a national government swaying
the population in suspicion of those
who govern them in emulation of
the palace intrigues to unseat rulers
remains alive and well, so confident
of its success in meddling to huge
advantage of regime antagonists
prepared to use any and all means
at their disposal knowing the fragility
of human allegiance to concepts and
values readily challenged in moments
of chaotic inferences permeates the
body politic everywhere but no more
so in national governments confident
of their superior attributes in justice
and social equality parading virtues 
with the certainty of tyrants. Social 
infiltration by malevolent minds 
conspiring to manipulate and defame 
by recruiting emissaries in a lock-step 
design fed by the viral ambition of 
hatred take their toll leaving the world 
teetering on the cutting edge toward
destructively destabilizing uncertainty.

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