Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Revelation

That bright star in their lives
that child that derived from their
happy indulgence in matrimonial
conjugal language of physical
dimensions so vital to their health
and the longevity of their union
graces their lives with silence. The
sturdy infant with her plump limbs
lustrous skin and bright eyes ardently
follows their every move listening
carefully to parse their language
and intention, this they know. But
she of the impish grin and lightning
scrambles is mute. No babble has
ever emitted from her pink-hued
cupid's bow, the child inclines her
head to weigh and evaluate all she
sees and hears tucking knowledge
securely into her mind unwilling
to share with the world what she
knows, not yet. She will in her own
good time express what she will
despite her parents' bewilderment
that their clever little girl speaks not
a syllable, utters nothing, confines
herself to nodding, eyes speaking
adequately of her intelligence, 
unwilling but not unable to speak. 
Their consternation is theirs alone.
Nature has designed this child to a
future of distinction but for the moment
no sound escapes her lips and will not
until that time her ascent to the world
stage welcomes a prodigy's wisdom.

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