Saturday, December 23, 2017


When does common assumption
collide with reasonable observation
for which no research is required
merely the ability to apply logic in
interpreting the obvious displayed
before us. As example, the elderly
years do not equate with sudden onset
of wisdom. Those among us whom
nature bestowed a deficit of sense
within will always live up to and not
beyond their intelligence, sparse and
pathetic in its various manifestations
throughout life. Wisdom falls to those
who experience life while advantaging
themselves to investigate and conclude
facts reaching their strategic level of
comprehension and creative parsing
of situations enabling them to express
an opinion whose worth is well evident.
As for endowing the recently deceased
with attributes never possessed when
in reality they were while alive mean
spirited and miserable creatures best
avoided, death cannot and should not
be seen as an expedient to alter the
fact that the world has been improved
not impoverished with their absence.

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