Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Neighbours

So you see, evidence to the contrary
set aside, your suspicions were
quite correct, the house next door
is not actually imbued with mystic
properties whereby it presents
as a theatrical set awaiting arrival
of the actors. No arcane acts of
magic were required to set out
household waste, mow the lawns
and shovel the snow though by
hands unseen. There is the evidence
up straight my friend, the house
exterior festooned with festive lights
colours of every hue, little elves
guiding an inflated Santa to the
door in the season of light and joy
and celebration of Christ. No mere
theatrical set after all, although now
puzzlingly, it more than ever does in
fact resemble one. There are residents
irrespective of the fact you've never
seen them and you see, they wish 
you a Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year. Isn't that neighbourly?

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