Sunday, December 10, 2017


Overnight the forest was transformed
and the following day the very
atmosphere was tufted with snow
and a blanket of serenity sifted over
all that was inanimate illuminating
the landscape, lifting it from the
dull depression of the sullen mood
that overtakes even a forest when
it is oppressed with the weight of
seasonal expectation, when between
colourful autumn and sparkling
winter, all is mired in the doldrums
of an opaque dusk casting muffled
shadows barely discernible and the
creatures that call the woodlands home
creep dismally about in the cold and
the wind unrelieved by the presence
of sun. The sheen and glitter of snow
on the forest floor mellowing all
surfaces creates its own glow, soft
and magical, the living treasure of
winter's tardy arrival on seasonal call.

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