Sunday, December 24, 2017


Indispensable to the day we begin
each morning showering together and
afterward he gilds with glimmering lotion
those parts of my anatomy I cannot myself
reach, gently and thoroughly. It takes but
a moment to think ahead, ask a casual
question, activate the yeast, combine
honey, butter, milk and scald together
add eggs, salt, flour and knead, knead
knead. Then, in the warmth of the kitchen
leave it to rise. When conveniently timely
form into a bread and bake, so the yeasty
fragrance and the honeyed appeal sends
its yearning mist throughout the house
whetting an appetite for dinner. Remove
from the oven, cool, slice and serve, an
enticement rich with significance as the
staff of life mingles with the stuff of your
lives and you know, you and he, that love
rises and blossoms, swells and infuses all
that transpires day to day between you.

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