Thursday, December 7, 2017

Into The Fire

Blink fractionally at a map and you'll miss
noticing the presence of a minuscules-sized
country with a Biblical name surrounded by
large, hostile neighbours eyeing its presence
with the malevolence of epic-scale destroyers
prepared to accomplish what in ancient times
they could not complete, and though there was
a modern equivalent that almost succeeded
these neighbours are determined that their
final effort will.The intended victim is fully
determined otherwise, refusing wilfully to
surrender to the vitriolic acid of hatred, extending
efforts to placate, to accommodate, to forgive
but never to allow itself to be exterminated 
for that level of satisfaction will never be
extended to the forces of diabolical evil. The 
beleaguered people, devoted to their god 
believing themselves beloved of that deity 
benign and merciful, feel not abandoned but 
tested, that their mettle and devotion to the 
divine must be proven through suffering. 
And suffer they have. In the process never 
discarding hope, all the while aspiring to 
become what he wills of them achieving 
great forward strides in the humanities and 
science and technology, the recognition of 
their surpassing genius beyond those of
any other nation. Their trials will never cease
and they must forever strive to achieve.

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