Tuesday, October 3, 2017

They Are Unalike Us

You know them. We all do. They're
like you and they're like me. But are 
they really? They may instinctively 
know they are not and in so knowing 
recognize it is in their best interests
certainly not in ours to behave as they 
know they should and they would if 
they were other than how and what
they are. For the most part their 
distinguishing features are held in 
abeyance as social deviants for their 
deviance from what we consider normal
may simply be an aversion to the social 
construct of acceptable convention. 
For this they can be forgiven. Yet
certain moral and ethical constraints
must be in place to protect all of us
from the implacably monstrous hatred
of some of us. Despite which security
on occasion goes astray when tendencies
to psychopathy break lose from their
self-imposed restraints and the grotesque
horror of destruction and human sacrifice
sends us reeling in fear and dismay. No
one related to the hate-demented killer
had any idea he had it in him and
no one could recall other than his
penchant for avoidance he might pose
a violent risk like the psychotic attack
when ten minutes was all it took to
kill 50 unfortunates and wound another
500 whose existence he found so 
unnecessary and beyond irritating.

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