Sunday, October 1, 2017

Mass Psychosis

We appear to have reached saturation
leading the news media to scour the
alternate planets of their febrile minds to
discover stories that will really grip the
attention of their audiences. This may not
be the result of information hysteria but
possibly the thread has been pulled too taut
and is in danger of snapping given the
utterings and dialogue exchanges emitted
by those we have placed in positions of
authority to act and speak for us. Their
world stage performances have been somewhat
less than impressive and we tire of wincing
at what has been wrought and wrung from
the upper echelons of power. Little wonder
then that with earnest tones emphasizing
the vital importance of their focus, news
lingers on !celebrity! figures bypassing
their human failures and finding favour
in serious discussions on the integrity and
attraction of the latest iteration of space
drama, the intrigue of units displayed in
Internet fixation on love conquering the
evil of despair in graspable installations
along with the unfortunate presence in
unstable society of ghouls and clowns
intruding upon the peaceful-minded though
few relate them to the subconscious striving
to re-imagine an existence fraught with the
failure of humanity to address its destiny.

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