Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Rationality of Science

The formula is a peculiar one, the
result of which is a timeline with death.
Exulting over success in accomplishing
nuclear fission, science, that most rational
of exploratory missions had succeeded in
unravelling one of nature's mysteries. Far
best left in its state of mystery rather than
impacting us with a state of misery but
who might have foreseen the ultimate
conquest in a febrile mind might equate
with mass destruction? Oh yes, of course,
those who had mounted that success when
the euphoria finally ebbed and the realization
set in and regret and an absorbed horror of
the inevitable future lingered in the minds
of those brilliant mystery-breakers. We
have learned to deplore the prospect of
those nuclear-tipped missiles yet tuck the
deep thoughts of the inevitable deep in
the most obscure and dark recesses of our
minds. It is best not to linger, to wring out
of life the pleasures still to be had and in
the process lend ourselves to the pretense
shielding ourselves from reality that there
is no need to concern ourselves since our
leaders have everything well in hand...

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