Monday, October 16, 2017

The Garden and I

We shared a genial accord -- that both
parties to the agreement must be pleased
with the outcome to our mutual satisfaction.
My garden had a will to thrive and host a
wide bouquet of beautiful plants, shrubs
trees and flowers, and I had a will that it
should. To which end we reached our pact
agreeing that I would select and plant all
that I could, and it should nourish and
encourage all that it might and we would
both, the garden and I, accomplish our
goal. Good to its word the garden performed
all that was required of it permitting me to
plant, to trim and to tidy while the garden
provided the rich soil, exposure to sun and
rain warding off as best it could the garden
thugs like snails and beetles, fungi, mildew
and blights, the result providing us both
the garden and I, with pride and possession
of an endless stream of flowering annuals
and perennials, the glowing greens and
the golds, children of the sun, the flaming
crimsons and creamy whites, petals single
and doubly-enfolded, fragrance divine
their texture and architecture providing
a landscape of ever-changing aspects like
a colour prism forever turning in the light.

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