Saturday, October 28, 2017

Practising to Deceive

So much has been written in
nostalgic praise for nature of the
benefits inherent in the freedom to
move unhindered by the strictures of
modern life, to feel the cleansing breeze
of forest-scrubbed air redolent of fall
foliage, the tannin crisp and tangy
the forest canopy a brightness of 
greens, golds and rust; red maples
a sturdy blaze of heated shades
reaching to the blue, blue sky, a
rain of yellow birch leaves lazily
descending to the forest floor, an
enrapturing landscape inviting the
opportunity to flex urban-lazy
muscles and abandon limbs to the
liberty of free movement. The couple
couple, able at last in their leisure
years to indulge their passion for
nature's wholesome ambiance extract
themselves from their vehicle to breathe
the purity of the forest, stepping toward
the beckoning trail, marvel at the
glorious shades of rainbow colours 
slowly stroll a hundred yards, take
quick photos of one another, rictus
smiles of pride backstopped by
falling foliage, and with that proof
assured, sigh and swiftly drive off.

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