Wednesday, May 31, 2017


She is as firmly fixed in her physical
routine as her extraordinary size
demands, incapable of venturing any
distance bipedally, a hostage to the
restrictions few could contemplate.
Not even a vestige of the pretty face
that once topped her body as dewlaps
hang monstrously over her once-smooth
flesh, yet she can still muster a wry
smile if occasion demands. With a
body as rotund as the very Earth
itself and seemingly as ponderous
any exertion amplifies her bulk's
inability to venture beyond her porch
as she sits there, immobile, a mound
of super-abundant adipose fat, binoculars
at the ready, and one great fleshy hand
busy with a retractable leash at the
end of which is a tiny kitten, its
substance exquisitely small and fluffy
which she occasionally crushes to her
ample bosom in an excess of affection
careful the while to ensure that its range
is as limited as hers in its freedom to
explore its environment, venturing no
further than the leash will permit.

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