Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hurtling Reality

It was all too wonderful, the promise
of the future, the end of plodding along;
a gateway to tomorrow, the ultimate
dependency that would never disappoint;
our legacy to those who follow, the
webbedwideworld of the Internet as we
hastened to computerize our lives
fully reliant on the conviction that nothing
could possibly go awry, we  had acquired
the last word in efficiency. And no one
of course thought to look at the best
before date with the thought that at some
point might come the time to pull that 
electrical cord and begin anew, calling
in the warranty and starting over. How?
well how about back-to-basics, that
tried-and-true method of laborious
scribbling, note-taking, personal hands-on
efforts sometimes disparagingly given the
nomenclature of analogue, hardly the
least bit comparable to the perfection of
digital. Who might have prophesied the
appearance of ambitious entrepreneurs
who viewed that perfection as their
very own fishing grounds collecting
data and threatening security as an
enterprising business of the Internet?
Those among us who grow nostalgic at
the memory of in-the-flesh socialization
and recollections of their physician
gently probing and questioning skilfully
as opposed to rote queries, attention 
fully on a monitor and keyboard may
wish a return to those halcyon days of
human interaction. It's all right, we won't
mind, go ahead, call us Luddites!

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