Monday, May 15, 2017


Whether it is that of a Patriarchal
god who thunders in jealous
disposition over the querulous
insubordination of the creatures he
has made in his own image, or the
indifferent fate awaiting mortals
having displeased the Matriarchal
supreme creatrix, we are all born
of the blueprint of survival fashioned
by an omnipresence wishing to
perpetuate its persona and passion
timelessly and forever after as
the creator pays homage to itself
instilling in its countless human 
replications the pride of self and
the propensity to teeter from good
will to ill temper, the verisimilitude
dependent on infinite variables none
predictable as the human race 
forges its way into the future
in a timeless, endless cycle of
repetition, producing countless
self-images, programmed by the
ultimate arbiter of existence.

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