Thursday, May 25, 2017


She remains yet the impulsive, bubbly
personality she always was, socially
reactive, the ultimate extrovert.
He is now what he always has been,
socially awkward, reclusive, sullen.
This is not a match, intones the wag,
made in heaven. Physically attractive
and a professional with a good solid
standing, she simply panicked when at
age 35 she remained single. Two
offspring later, themselves now adult
she feels locked into a marriage that
she desperately meant to continue
struggling with, taking as little notice
of his hostile attitude to life as she
possibly could, casually attributing
it to a gentle shyness he inherited from
his father whose own wife was a
veritable harridan. Now he's retired
she no longer mows the grass. The
children who when infants he never
failed to remind her needed their
diapers changed no longer live at home. 
Yesterday he deliberately plowed the
electric mower through her bed of
prized lilies. Today, grim-faced, she
drove the van downtown, something
she has been expressly forbidden to do.

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