Thursday, February 16, 2017

That Beatific Greeting

Nothing quite outranks its pure
essence of communicating trust
and kindness, happiness and friendship
as does the spontanaeity of a smile.
It alone of all human expression
sends its message of instantaneous
sharing in the human tradition of
open embrace of the other. The smile
of a stranger is capable of instantly
shedding hesitation, as an invitation
to commune with someone unknown
but willing to share sentiments or
the slightest of greetings. It represents 
a signal of hope where none
has been evidenced, a message of
caring and concern. It sends out
feelers and receives in return a like
response linking those with no
similarities in background and
experience yet eager to share what
they can. Love is enhanced when that
facial corroboration is embraced as
reassurance. The exuberant radiance
of a young person's smile welcoming
reciprocation links generations
in the amity of the finer emotions.
The twinkle of a smile can be heard
in the soft voice of one who hesitates
but whose intention is clearly
inviting. The face transformed
by the inner soul venturing instant
contact disarms and invites us to
restore faith in common humanity.

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