Thursday, February 9, 2017

Linked Sight Unseen

There is a global chasm between
the social construct of her culture
and mine, but between us no gap
exists for she echoes my humanity
this tribal woman whose sentiments
represent the portal to her soul
whose words have entered my heart.
We have never met but we have
touched one another, giving comfort
and exchanging assurances heartfelt
and without pretense or guile, she
and I. Yes, there is a sisterhood we
share for our expressions of
concern and values are as one, she
and I. We hold little in common
in birth and geography, in age and
heritage, but we both hold the
common ancestry of humankind
and the bitter disharmony lavished
upon those inhabiting areas of the
world awash in bloodshed in mutual
dismay; she through experience of a
direct impact, and me through the
inheritance of a dystopian world that
sought to destroy my kind. It is a
mystifying science of communication
that has linked us in a communion
of hope and aspiration, she and I.

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