Thursday, February 2, 2017


Tall, fit, extremely jovial by nature
this bearded man whose hair has
just the right tinge of grey at his
distinguished temples is the living
picture of aging gracefully. In his
mid-fifties he is quite the impressive
specimen of what all men should
aspire to, with not an ounce of fat
on his well-proportioned body
the very embodiment of pride in
self, leavened with a sardonic sense of
humour and a gracious temperament.
He has never neglected his own
responsibility not to burden the
universal health care system nor his
own future health; eating sensibly
and exercising that temple of his
body daily, accompanied by his large
good-natured dog on his quotidian
trysts with an urban forest, taking
delight in the physical challenge
while clearing his mind of the nuisance
details of everyday life. Why, he could
model for a photographic essay of
the good life! And in a week's time is
scheduled for a brief in-hospital
procedure when a defibrillator-heart
monitor is to be installed just above
his heart, below his robust left shoulder
where his sternum will be incised
... all the while planning to resume his
vigorous lifestyle say, a day or two
following that urgently required
intervention to extend his life-line.

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