Sunday, February 5, 2017

Mighty Benji

Benji sees himself as a force
of nature, responding with lighting
force speed, his voice a thunderous
warning to other dogs failing to
view him seriously. For a small --
a quite small -- dog his energy and
endurance know scant bounds -- yet --
since he is awfully young and yes
of course, impulsive. He's a woolly
ball of curly-haired bombast and
fun striking poses that send observers
into gales of laughter, a natural on
the stage of life. He'll get his deserved
comeuppance at some time in the near
future, but not just yet, because it's
snowing, and the ground is puffed
with the white stuff he so loves
burrowing into, leaping about in
speeding over in huge bounds
that might touch the sky since
there's such a low cloud cover
dispensing all that snow, but try
as he might and he does mightily
his prodigious leaps far slightly short. 

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