Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Soles Afire

She stands accused of haughty
passive indifference to her subjects
in the global court of public opinion.
Less a condemnation than it is a
plea that her powerful manifestations
of majestic rule play less havoc in
the affairs of the world of geology
and atmosphere. But nature is
disinterested in our puny complaints
though she does seem to delight in
hoisting surprises upon our hopeful
expectations, playing her tweaking
little games that concern and
delight, but never concurrently.
Yesterday we were entertained by
biting cold and bitter wind when 
copious snow, freezing rain and ice
pellets had their turn in the decor
of the landscape, doubtless pleasing
nature while causing consternation
for her creatures. But today, ah,
today the blazing sun pushed aside
those leaden skies to illuminate
nature's vast acreage of winter
the season's snowpack deeply
garnished with pellets of ice frozen
overnight and impervious to shovels.
In the forest, deep in white billows
hikers and dogs shuffle along over
the depths of shifting white like
sun-dazzled desert dwellers slowly
moving aside sand with their
heat-blistered feet, soles afire.

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