Saturday, February 25, 2017

Glory Be!

Out of sight, out of mind! Oh
really, perhaps when considering
matters of significantly less vital
importance than the well-being of
a cherished garden. In which case
it is never out of mind, though it
sleeps under a blanket of snow and
ice, awaiting release from the damp
and the dark and the frigid chill
that imprisons all growing things
that thrive in warmth and sun
rain and wind. There they lie, well
sheltered as though creatures
fearing to peer from under lest
they be blasted by winter's cruelty.
But as the atmosphere warms and
the sun approaches the vernal
equinox and the snow inevitably
begins its melt all those summer-
cossetted, admired blooms must
surely know their exile is approaching
its end. And the gardener, oh the
anxious gardener envisions that
sublime reunion, when the garden
stirs as the soil begins to warm 
the bulbs tingling to surface
heralding that brave new order
of return to brilliant beauty with
the garden restored to full glory!

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