Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Oversight

No one thought to explain to
Maya the expectation she would
be prepared studiously to become a
humanitarian worker by foregoing
the delights of carefree, exuberant
puppyhood. The wild exhilaration
she experienced with life's
beckoning adventures and
limitless possibilities teased her
almost as greatly as her unbridled 
joy pleased her in human proximity
under the illusion that all humans
yearned to be her champion as
she sprang upon them in an
excess of conceit common to all
creatures who instinctively trust,
reacting to their own sweetly
innocent natures. So it comes as
no surprise that the stern messages
restricting her freedoms and
guiding her toward self-sacrifice
failed to make an indelible
impression on the black Lab.
Maya's visceral ode to life would
not be tamed, and nor will she
placidly guide the blind to live
with her aid, normally. May your
life always be one of unmitigated
liberty and joyful abandon, Maya!

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