Saturday, July 9, 2016

A Walk in the Rain

Why not a walk in the rain? To those
close to nature a sensual exposure of senses 
and vision to a vastly altered universe where 
the atmosphere questions whether we were
once aquatic creatures ourselves readily
adaptable to either land or sea. So when
the sea visits the land an acute alternation
ensues, creating an intensity of colour
startling in its emerald brightness from
the penetrating insistence of rainfall.
And there lies the anomaly between
dark and light, for that heavily overcast
sky has brought early twilight, yet
the darkness prevailing in the wooded
interior translates to brilliant colour
nonetheless, a puzzle that nature has
yet to explain unless she too has been
taken by surprise at the consequences
that ensue when the disparate parts of
her blueprint interact. As the rain falls
dripping lightly through that green canopy
it barely moistens the hiker whose eyes
are fixed on the landscape so utterly
transformed into the quite bearable
lightness of being, pine needles
underfoot cushioning boots have
become an orange highway interspersed
with a network of roots planning
mischief with an unwary step. On
the fringes of the forest path the
appearance of magical mushrooms
in shapes and shades reflecting the
glassy mirror of rain-sodden atmosphere
informs the eyes that transformation
from corruption to survival thrives.

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