Friday, July 29, 2016

In The Shadows

What to think, how to regard
that unfathomably eerie presence
you feel, an delusional, haunting
so inexplicable within an
otherwise-rational mind. So
what could it be, what its meaning
just a strange figment of an
oddly-perturbed imagination?
It is as though some arcane presence
lurks at the very edge of one's sight
fading the second you turn to
confront it. You have returned
to another time, in a place
dimly recalled, and there that
presence follows wherever
you turn. Is it the past entering
the future, yourself at a remove
of time, or merely an intersecting
universe nudging up against
your own, a doppelganger 
presence as curious of his unique
experience as you think you are 
of  this one imposed; trapped.

1 comment:

hyperCRYPTICal said...

I read this this morning and have thought about it ever since, as I know this - maybe we all do
Sometimes I espy my ghost out of the corner of my eye, my peripheral vision, and he/she is gone in the split-second in which I turn around.
As a child I saw my ghost more clearly, saw ?him fleeing past windows. My parents would tell me it was a trick of the light, trick of the eye.
I have never been afraid of him, sometimes sensing his presence, seeing him when I cannot see him at all.
And I do not believe in ghosts!
Kind regards
Anna :o]