Saturday, July 16, 2016

Flirting With Nature

Flirting with sound and fury
has its inherently exciting moments
and its undeniable dangers. Sometimes
we gamble and sometimes we win.
A loss is more frequent, when we
hazard a summertime hike in the
woods and extreme weather conditions
of nature's making produce fierce
thunderheads then we view the 
rage of the heavens in combat with
weapons of thundering mallets
and powerful electric swords leading
to an inundation of pure misery.
Others have been less fortunate
when lightning strikes, or massive
wind gusts create toppling trees
creating threats of tree-deaths. We
tempt fate as vulnerable creatures
trusting that a day's oblivious commune
with nature will elevate our moods
through the exposure we crave in
the serenity of her benevolence.

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