Thursday, July 9, 2015

Surviving Menace

The quite visible spot where
none should be on my kitchen
floor might be a small clump
of dust, detritus, plant matter
but its presence offends my
housewifely sensibilities as I
take dust mop in hand to remove
it. Then it moves of its own 
volition, clearly not an 
inanimate object and I object
to its presence on this summer
day. Nature may have given
the creature permission to go
where it might, I did not.
Squeamishly, tissue in hand
I attempt to gently lift the
millipede and its many legs
frantically try to outrun my
intention which is to place it
whole and unharmed outside 
where bugs and beetles and
other insects belong. A game
ensues where each time I believe
I have succeeded in safely
cradling it within the tissue
I see it busily scrambling to
evade my intent, seeking refuge
from my cruel predations. 
Just as well that nature took the
trouble to invest humankind
with intelligence, and failed
to gift such lowly creatures
with the intelligence to survive
wouldn't you say? Or the reverse.

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