Tuesday, July 28, 2015

CTV London: Guilty plea: Puppy locked up and left                                                                                        

Just So Adorable!

They likely considered it a test,
an experiment, a dry run, a rehearsal
and if it worked out well they would
know how prepared they were for
the decision to raise a family. They had
ample time, they're a young couple
and so they decided on a five-week-old
Chihuahua puppy mix, a cute little
fellow, just what the family-fairy
ordered to pattern them into a mature
and responsible married couple.
They were happy in their choice,
the little creature was amusing even 
while alarmingly irritating in its 
needs. Compensation came in the
form of the admiration elicited from
friends and strangers alike on sight
of the tiny, adorable puppy. And then
they remembered there were plans
they had discussed about going off 
on a holiday for two weeks. They
reasoned they would have to make
special arrangements for the four-
legged tyke, and completed their
travel plans. After they left their
apartment complaints landed in the
building superintendent's 'to-do'
in-box. And when he entered the
apartment distressed sounds led him
to the bathroom where the tiny pup
was locked securely in the room,
its haircoat matted with feces, 
its frantic yelps for rescue from
loneliness gripping the super's heart.

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