Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Discriminating Gourmands

They are avaricious little beggars,
an onlooker would be justified
in assuming our little puppies
are on a cruel starvation diet
so wedded are they to 
dawn-to-dusk grazing when
they aren't galumphing
through the house in hot and
frenzied pursuit of one another,
each determined to have possession
of a singular toy of which two
are available, or ramping up
their wrestling/boxing routines
giving hectic chase when the mood
strikes. They position themselves
doggedly, beseechingly at the
kitchen counter as we prepare
fruits or vegetables, anxious to
cadge what they may. Jillie
will accept bits of anything, 
from melon to berries, peas, banana,
oranges, broccoli, but Jackie
more delicately discriminating
though fond of almost everything
feels kiwis insult his taste buds
a step too far in abandoning
food-digestible standards, not 
a patch on, say violets so readily
dug up in the garden  and spruce
tips so accommodatingly available.

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