Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Mighty Mites

How to distinguish them one
from the other? Difficult. They are
after all identical twins and quite
inseparable. When one little
rapscallion misbehaves the
other is right there too sharing
the bedevilling opportunities.
Instant recognition becomes
problematical. The mighty mites
share a penchant for rough-and-tumble
and move with the agility and
speed of monkeys. Same soft
black hair, dark limpid eyes and a
jawful of teeth that would be the pride
of any self-respecting shark. Small
they may be but their ambitions
are large as they rumble through
the garden, execute mighty leaps
across woodland mudholes and
peevishly pester when mealtimes
come around. Yet the difference
in personality is expressively there.
In the persona of ever-Smilin' Jack
and his sister, Melancholy Jill.

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