Sunday, July 26, 2015

South Thormanby Island, B.C.

Getting away from it all. From Vancouver with kayak and tent and enough fuel and food for several days, just paddle about and enjoy nature's wilderness solitude and beauty.

For company, you can commune with river otters, in the bay where you're camped, curious about your presence, who will perform their rambunctious antics finally oblivious to your presence, another of nature's creatures who turn up on occasion.

The ocean lapping at the shore will lull you to sleep. The wide open sky above, the heavens as dark as they get without city lights cast above, so the theatre of the firmament as prehistoric man saw it presents for your viewing pleasure.

No ancient hominid saw the regular cycle of a space station circling Earth, in a technological mimic of nature's clockwork symmetry in the vault of heaven, nor the passage of communications satellites, however.

Photos courtesy of J.S. Rosenfeld

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