Monday, April 20, 2015

Wish You Weren't There

Just another reminder that things
are not always as they may on the
surface appear to be, for life is
usually more complicated than simple
and just because your neighbours
chose to escape two weeks of winter
and you resented the very thought of
sun and sandy beaches, you might have
been better off appreciating winter
at home. You didn't have to cope with
the frustration of cramped limbs on
a packed flight and too little room
for comfort. Nor did the tour bus
you took on Hawaii gladden you but
madden  you with its malfunctioning
toilet so your wife refused to hydrate
adequately and the result was
heatstroke and a hospital visit, not
on the anticipated itinerary. Wait
a minute, that's not all, her condition
turned to pneumonia. And did I mention
days on end of rain frustrating planned
outings? Consider them all now
mentioned. Oh, and the gratitude
your neighbours felt, to return to
the very winter scene they'd fled....

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