Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Angels on a Pinhead? 

The discussion now raging within
academia, between biologists and 
philosophers hinges on the mind. What
is thought and consciousness? It
is what makes us human. It is
the expression of our intelligence,
our realization of what we are
how we make use of our emotions
the link between existence and
survival. The locus of our minds
where thought and memory reside
appears in question, however.
Where logic might have it that
we must conclude that our very
consciousness rests within the
brain, the debate questions that
assumption, quibbling that too
much is unknown by science
of the link existing between
the body and the functions of
its operating system where neurons
fire impulse and movement,
thought and the unique individuality
of a mind, ours alone whose source
arcanely befuddles other minds.

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