Friday, April 10, 2015

Entering Spring

Winter's lingering chill in the 
evening hours clarifies the moon's
full face as it and the stars illuminate
the dank dessication of forlorn gardens
buried under lingering mounds of
snow and ice, while above a
succession of northward returning
geese fly an elegant tracery
against the dark sky, calling
their presence in migrating triumph.
In the morning the garden glistens
with the teardrops of overnight rain
and a robin's song peals its
greeting to sleeping earthworms
even as tulips and hyacinths, 
daffodils and crocuses excitedly
send their shoots out of still-frozen
earth. In the afternoon, the sun
parts the curtain of clouds, warming
the awakening gardens and a cardinal
trills its fervent welcome to spring.

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