Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fools

This is the day of the year
that Nature has set aside to
celebrate laughter through
trickery. In its honour she has
donned her jester's peaked and
belled hat, her blueprint for
the day brimming with barely
suppressed mischief. Aware
of the generalized anxiety
of  fools eager to bid winter
adieu, she has prevailed upon
him to yet linger awhile,
discreetly. Her bait of the sun
riding high in an ocean of blue
an innocent breeze wafting
the exquisite fragrance of spring
to enchant and disarm
migrating birds, she suddenly
unleashes the artillery of gales
of raging wind accompanying
dark skies crowded with clouds
prepared to release lashing
snow and ice pebbles, soon
to transform into freezing rain,
laughing uproariously all the
while in her capricious humour.
Cowering, poor sports that we
are, we mutely protest
we are not one iota amused.

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