Monday, April 27, 2015

April 2015 in Nepal

It is a dread conversation taking
place, one the villagers have due
cause to fear taking place within the
very bowels of the earth beneath
their feet and under the vast bulk of
the sacred Himalayan mountain
towering majestically above. The
equilibrium of existence sundered
as everything shifts and leans,
groans, growls and tumbles
trapping the unprepared unfortunates
beneath the ruins of their homes, the
landscape an unfamiliar devastation
of sound, fury and wreckage. Their
world is shocked and shattered,
the cries of the desperate, in their
death agonies filtering through the
rising, opaque clouds of wreckage
dust, survivors wailing in grief
injured and desperately seeking
loves ones, the world so suddenly
transformed into a malign, hostile
monster of unimaginable destruction.

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