Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Anguish of Loss

It's a small dog, a Pomeranian
mix they've doted on as a
rescue for many years. A sudden
turn in health has brought them out
with her on this Sunday to the city's
emergency veterinary hospital. As
small and unkempt as the dog appears
the elderly couple, themselves large
in fact morbidly obese, are gripped
for its welfare as they wait among
the other elderly devoted pet owners
for release from concern's tension.
She moves ponderously, slowly
post-stroke she explains, but her
voice is robust with tales of the
little dog's exploits. Tension is high
but so is goodwill for there is
beauty in such devotion and smiles
to spare. As each name is called
the waiting room absorbs the
presence of others. When those
called emerge, gratitude is effusively
expressed when all is well, pets'
problems resolved. All but one,
as the shuffling woman and her
husband exit, no Pom with them,
her face crumpled in profound grief that 
her own medical condition never merited
their final farewell to a well loved
companion devastatingly unexpected.


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