Thursday, May 29, 2014

Words Wound

The pain of hard words
disparaging the very notion
that between two people
reasonable discourse is
guaranteed when adults
fully respecting of one
another's sensibilities and
autonomy will always prevail
preserving trust and emotions
intact is predicated upon a
conceit which makes the 
affront so shocking that
sadness and pangs of regret
overwhelm both the one
who uttered the unforgiving
and thus unforgivable slurs
and the recipient alike. How
to find consolation from
sinking into the desolation of
despairing abandonment? The
repair of that breach of love,
trust and respect becomes a
goal whose purpose is deep
but attainment beyond difficult.
Anger is best defused before
it descends headlong into
relentless rage. Nowhere is it
written that forgiveness will
raise a gentle hand to deflect
the harshness of a terminally
verbal blow that strikes at the
very essence of tolerance.

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