Thursday, May 22, 2014

Midnight Visitor

Surface appearance can be oh,
so deceiving. What we think
we perceive is not necessarily so.
He is old and he is large, his back
hunched, as he progresses slowly
on our walkway, slightly swaying
from side to side, secure in
revealing his presence at this
dark, midnight hour. He prowls
with the confidence of one who 
owns the dark mysterious, his
clever opposable thumbs given
mastery over rudimentary tasks
we pride ourselves upon. In awe
of his venerable presence, I am
also taken with sadness, for his
visit has its distinct purpose and
far be it for us to deprive wildlife
from accessing treats to complement
their foraging diet. But the time
has come to wean them from these
expectations with the passing of
winter and I watch, pensive and
regretful, as he swings his body
with unexpected grace, lightness
and speed to attain a higher perch
in search of what is no longer there.

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