Sunday, June 10, 2012

 The Yawning Void

It is there, simply there,
subtly obliterating contentment,
an emptiness that felt, unbidden,
compelled to settle in, to nestle
deep within our defenceless
grieving consciousness in that
absence that greets us each
and every day startlingly anew.

It insists on its dominion
over our devastated emotions,
on exerting its control over
pain, memory, loss.  And we have
welcomed that intrusion, laid wide
our vulnerability, aided it to lodge
deep within.  Its overwhelming
presence, the human condition.

The joy in life becomes gratitude
only when carefree existence is
threatened by loss.  Then springs
alive the agony of absence, the
loved one gone, absorbed into
that dark emptiness that yawns
impartially into eternity.

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