Thursday, June 7, 2012

 The Flamboyant Garden

This is the garden that tantalizes
and teases, luring us each morning
to perambulate its pathways,
to turn and discover discreet
new surprises, softly awaiting
delighted discovery, dewy with
pearls from last night's downpour.

Glittering, those pearls, as priceless 
ornaments sifted over the crowning 
beauty of cascading flower-bedecked 
vines, clambering roses, fragrant lilac 
and emerald-green foliage, a bower
of brightness under shimmering sun.

A brilliant chorus consolidates
the sensational scene, cardinal
trilling atop the spire of the pine,
song sparrow singing its presence
within the dense-needled fastness
surrounded by the architecture of
nature's multitudinous bounty.

We wander, amazed with our senses 
reacting to fabulous revelations, the 
groomed and orderly yet riotously 
singular textures and shadings shamelessly 
boasting their peerless freshness in prideful
display.  This tempestuous, tenuous 
presence fragile with timeless patience.

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