Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Mountain Stream

The mountain stream, cold and
crystal clear tumbles and thrashes
its furious way over tumbled
granite boulders glistening in
the afternoon sun, foaming and 
thundering its tumultuous passage
from mountain side to forest brook
filling the air with its raucous descent.  
The red and black streaked corridor 
of rockface contains its passage, mist 
rising and gently spewing over the
landscape of birch and beech, oak
and hemlock.  the forest understory
of dogwood and pine saplings
absorb the spray, bedecked with mosses 
and lichens glowing moistly green.  
Bracken and wildflowers stipple the 
green with bright floral colour like 
the stars in a dark night sky.  Thrushes 
burst in lilting praise, butterflies vie 
with dragonflies to own best record for 
aerial arabesques.  The brook conducts 
its aquatic orchestral symphony with
drama and life-affirming grace.

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