Tuesday, June 12, 2012

 The Ephemeral Woods

Heat has settled upon the
landscape, an entitlement of
the season.  As is the rain,
descending without pause
for days upon drenching days.

Humid heat does nothing to
dampen the birdsong emitted 
from the talented throats of
song sparrows, robins, cardinals,
goldfinches besotted with life.

Mist rises from the dark, churning
waters that thread throughout the
forest.  Mosses creep, and fungi
have made their impudent
appearance on roots and
stumps, squirrel-nibbled.

The forest canopy is luxuriantly
verdant, wild grape vines clinging 
where they may.  A nesting owl sits 
solicitously within her nest in a blasted 
pine. Wind unleashes droplets clinging
to leaves and dense needles.

Upon the forest floor thrive bracken 
and dogwood, interlaced with 
purple-blooming cowvetch. Buttercups 
and daisies, hawkweed and fleabane, 
orange, yolk-yellow and watermelon 
pink stipple the dripping green.

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