Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sabbaday Falls

The ferocious froth of the Sabbaday brook
belies its genteel name born of a Sunday
go-to-meeting era of times long past,
when sturdy settlers turned to gentle
pursuits after prayer, horse-and-buggying
on over to meet and behold the power
of their natural surroundings, the amazing
geological formations born of an ice age
scraping and moulding the mountain
landscape.  Time has long tumbled by
and that age long gone, but the ancient
landscape remains inviolate, nature's proud
and lofty heights, the tumbling glacial-cool
waters thundering through clefts and
crevices, chasms and walls of towering
granite.  Pools of lichen-green meltwater
haven for fish, the surrounding forest ringing
with birdsong, shaggy maples and yellow
birch, pine and spruce witness to changing 
seasons, a static arras of timeless beauty.

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