Saturday, June 16, 2012


Nothing Personal

That cat again, that sinister
hunting fury, biding time,
awaiting the unwary presence
of another bird, hatchlings if at
all possible, a tiny furred rabbit,
chipmunks, whatever crosses its
path to perdition.  The pathetic
remains of mice and moles to be
cleared away, given burial 
after its predations.  Squatting
there, awaiting its purpose in life,
so infuriating the man that he
dashed from his front door like
a frenzied windmill, arms akimbo
shouting imprecations at the
feline languorously moving off
just as after-dinner strollers
passed by his garden hearing the
hisses and the damn-yous, the
invitation to vamoose before a
neck-wringing occured, shaking 
their heads, moving on with
alacrity, as another urban legend
of a house of crazies is born.

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