Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Play's The Thing

Justin Trudeau Pokes Fun At India Visit, Calls It "Trip To ...

The voice-over speaks in mellow tones

of regret at passion spent when the

lightning rod of love loses its fire as a

narrative of unravelling interdependence

on companionship and responsibility  

collapses inert and unresponsive. Time

for the players to gather their costumes

and exit stage left while the audience

transfixed as with any wreckage nods in

sympathy overlaid with derision for the

dissolution of a love match between a

narcissist and a naive emblem of female

trust that love is the ribboned tie that binds

has frayed beyond redemption and her

dignity and value demands a withdrawal

from a play whose second act failed to 

lead to the aspirational journey into the

beyond of memories and elderly years.

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