Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Incidental Hunters


They're house companions accustomed

to the same comforts their humans live in

with no wish to exit the warmth and security

of a house, luxuriating in their due as

pampered little pets, yet like their humans

they yearn to be in the outside. Not in the

confines of a garden as pampered as they

are, but in the wilds of nature curiously

sniffing and snuffling along forest trails

an ancient collective memory lodged deep

in their subconscious that this truly is their

home. Yet in their home they become avid

hunters should ever a bee, a moth or a fly

enter for they know that flying creatures can

be cruel, stinging and threatening and they vie

between them to spring upon the intruder and

dispatch it to a deserved death that the bee

the moth or the fly evade through their own

instincts of inherited self-preservation.

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