Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Love Lies A'Bleeding

Smug with the confidence of certainty

ordinary people never in doubt of their

sexual orientation that nature ordained for

them held nothing but contempt and overt

hostility for gays and lesbians who defied

the roles that nature intended in procreation

until finally reason prevailed over the passion

of hate transmuted to acceptance and finally

respect for another way of life and love. 

But life and human nature are complex and

idiosyncratic bringing to the fore the issue

of gender dysphoria and the appearance of

boys becoming girls and girls eschewing their

female roles for the comfort of male personae

claiming to unite their brain with their body

igniting a storm of controversy. Now no one

is content in a maze of gender mysteries laying

bare a vast array of choices turning even

those among them in a dismay of rejection.

Gays and lesbians see the premise of their

inalienable rights threatened, the transgendered

claim oppression of disbelief, parents are

aghast their parental rights are alienated

others urging on gay children the lesser societal

burden of altering their birth gender and 

the transgendered are affronted that the

community of drag queens diminish their

authenticity of choice. The public remains

in a state of confusion over the combustibility

of nature''s blueprint dissolved in hysteria.



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