Thursday, August 10, 2023

In The Aftermath


When the wild orchestration of a 

bellowing wind and the thunder it

accompanied tired of their primal

display this summer day withdrawing

from the sky crowded with dark streaked

clouds that exhausted their burden into

the forest below birds shook their feathers

while insects resumed foraging among

the wildflowers of the pollinating

meadow alongside the stream noisily

bisecting the ravine where a great

blue heron perched just above the roiling

water suffused with fallen detritus from

above its eyes keen to identify spawn

within the spume of the rain-swollen

raceway, acute to the measure of caution

defined by the unruly flood yet skilled

in an instant strike while simultaneously

lifting its ungainly body on widespread

wings to soar into the rain-ravaged canopy.

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