Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Ultimate Neurosis

Fighting Intensifies Around Kabul

So fundamental to a subliminal yearning 

in human nature the enduring belief of an 

infinite power of creation manifested as an

unknowable but all-knowing intelligence 

surpassing any and all descriptives the 

human mind can conceive. A supreme element 

whose origins is unimaginable but omniscient

toward whom praise and fear and love in 

equal measure assures one's own survival yet 

to obey the precepts given humankind as a 

direct order the faithful willingly sacrifice 

their lives in sacred martyrdom. The more 

stringent the rules and the role of believers the 

fiercer their loyalty to Him on High the sternest 

of commanders to the legions devoted to the 

sublime deity, the deadlier the malevolence of 

their wholesale strikes in the barbarity of their 

essence. All in the name of the all-powerful and 

loving god for whom death is a gift. Armies of 

the faithful are unstoppable; in this realm there

is no delusionary principle beyond devotion.

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